Pseudomonas Oxidase test: Principle, Procedure, Reagents

Oxidase test helps to identify the vibro, Neisseria and Pseudomonas. Principle of oxidase test Pseudomonas Aurogenosa produced Oxidase Enzyme, which oxidizes the Phenylene Diamine to purple-colored compound. Reagent for Oxidase test Oxidase reagent is freshly prepared. It is a 1% solution of Tetramethyl-p-Phenylene Diamine Dihydrochloride. Oxidase Test Procedure Following steps are performed for oxidase test … Read more

Coagulase test principle, procedure

coagulase-test principle procedure

Here you will learn about the “Coagulase test principle procedure”. The main purpose of this test is to differentiate the staph aureus from other types of staph. Staph aureus contains a coagulase enzyme that coagulates plasma. Note: Coagulase is an enzyme that exists in one type of staph (Staph aureus). Therefore this test named as … Read more

Albert staining principle, Procedure, USES

Albert staining is a kind of differential stain. It is used to stain the metachromatic granules in corynebacterium diphtheria. How do I make Albert stain? Here are the three reagents you need for Albert staining. Which mordant is used in Albert staining ? Albert indide is used as mordent. After Albert’s stain, slid covered with … Read more

Catalase test principle, procedure, reagent, result microbiology

catalase test principle procedure reagent microbiology

Catalase test is important for identification of varius bacteria specially staphylococcus aureus in microbiology. Here we learn about principle of catalase test, procedure and the reagents. Catalase test principle microbiology Catalase synthesized by some bacteria acts as a catalyst in the breakdown of Hydrogen peroxide (3% H2O2) results in the production of Oxygen gas (O2) … Read more

Modified afb stain procedure (ziehl-neelsen stain) principle, uses

AFB use carbol fuchsin (a red dye) followed by acid-alcohol decolorization and counterstaining with methylene blue. AFB appear bright red against a blue background. Modified afb stain procedure Following are the 4 steps in acid-fast staining. Why ziehl-neelsen stain (ZN staining) is called acid fast? In the ziehl Neilsen stain, we use strong acids such … Read more

Gram staining procedure, principle, technique, uses

gram stain principle, procedure,result

Here is the gram staining procedure step-wise. Gram staining principle The gram staining technique is based on the variation in cell wall thickness. when a bacterial smear is mixed with a gram stain. Gram-positive bacteria retain crystal violet color due to their cell wall thickness. While iodine removes the violet stain on gram-negative bacteria (due … Read more

Echinococcus granulosus hydatid cyst life-cycle, Diagnosis, Images

Hydatid cyst of the liver caused by the Cysticerci of a Cestode. Hydatid cyst caused by the Echinococcus granulosus. This disease is caused by cystic echinococcosis. Composite computer illustration showing Echinococcus granulosus hydatid cyst in the human liver and close-up view of larvae protoscolices inside hydatid cyst. E. granulosus is a parasitic tapeworm, also called … Read more

Filariasis symptoms life cycle pictures (Elephantiasis)

elephantiasis symptoms pictures

Here you will learn about the “Filariasis symptoms life cycle”.It is a nematode disease. In this disease, the Larva of microfilariae is the main source. Filarial worms are long and thin. It attacks the lymphatic system and subcutaneous connective tissue. Most nematodes produce microfilariae in the blood of the host. Filariasis has two main types … Read more

Black fever symptoms, diagnosis, (Kala-azar)

Black fever is caused by the Leishmania species. It is also called Indian fever. This fever has many names as KALA AZAR, black fever, black fly fever, and visceral leishmaniasis. It is mostly found in India and Sudan. Black fever symptoms (Kala-azar ) Kala-azar has the following symptoms. Fever weightloss fatigue Rapid pulse rate Black … Read more

Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis life cycle (Amastigote , Promestigote)

mucocutaneous leishmaniasis is a cutaneous disease caused by the flagellate protozoan called the Leishmania Tropica complex. It is transmitted by the sandfly of the genus PHLEBOTOMUS. mucocutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Female Sandfly genus phlebotomus is the causative agent of leishmania cutaneous. This sandfly is the definitive host. Human is the intermediate host. Cutaneous leishmaniasis has … Read more