Spore test for autoclave machine sterilization

The “Spore test for autoclave,” also known as the biological indicator test. It is a critical process used to identify the effectiveness of an autoclave (also called a steam sterilizer) in killing microorganisms, including highly resistant bacterial spores. Autoclaves are commonly used in various industries, including healthcare, laboratories, pharmaceuticals, and food processing, to sterilize equipment, … Read more

How are viruses different from bacteria apex

Here you will learn about “How are viruses different from bacteria”. Viruses and bacteria are both microscopic entities that play significant roles in the world of biology and medicine. While they share certain similarities. They are fundamentally different in their structures, life cycles, and impact on living organisms. Understanding these differences is crucial to effectively … Read more

Spirochete vs spirillum


Here’s the table of Spirochete vs spirillum with examples. Charatristics Spirochete Spirillum 1 Shape 1.Corkscrew shape 2. They are highly flexible3. It can move can move in a corkscrew-like motion due to their internal flagella 1. It shows distinct helical or spiral shape but appear more rigid compared to spirochetes.2. It resembling a spiral staircase … Read more

Spread plate method procedure microbiology

Spread plate technique procedure steps in microbiology

Here you will learn about “what is Spread plate technique in microbiology”. In the field of microbiology, accurate and reliable quantification of microorganisms is of utmost importance. Researchers and scientists often rely on various techniques to estimate the number of viable cells in a given sample. Here’s the video of Spread plate technique principle procedure … Read more

How to avoid candida auris, symptoms

How to avoid candida auris, symptoms

Here you will learn “How to avoid candida auris“. Candida auris is a species of yeast that was first identified in Japan in 2009. Since then, it has spread to healthcare facilities around the world, causing outbreaks and infections in vulnerable populations such as hospital patients and nursing home residents. Unlike other types of Candida, … Read more

Staphylococcus lower classifications chart microbiology

Staphylococcus lower classifications chart

Here’s the “Staphylococcus lower classifications “. Staphylococcus is a genus of bacteria that includes several species which are classified on the base of gram staining, which are gram-positive, spherical-shaped bacteria that are commonly found on the skin and mucous membranes of humans and animals. These bacteria are known for their ability to cause a variety … Read more

Adenoviruses (অ্যাডিনো ভাইরাস) symptoms, treatment, preventive measures

Adenoviruses (অ্যাডিনো ভাইরাস) symptoms, treatment, preventive measures

Adenovirus is a type of virus that can cause a variety of infections in humans, ranging from the common cold to more severe respiratory illnesses. The virus was first discovered in the 1950s and was named after the adenoid glands, which are commonly affected by the virus. There are more than 50 types of adenoviruses, … Read more

How to prevent bacterial vaginosis Signs and symptoms and preventive measures

Learn about ” how to prevent bacterial vaginosis : You must Follow all these preventive measures” Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a common vaginal infection caused by an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina. It is characterized by symptoms such as discharge, itching, and a fishy odor.It is more common in women who are sexually active. … Read more

What is flesh eating bacteria pictures early stages signs snd symptoms

Flesh eating bacteria, also known as necrotizing fasciitis, is a rare but serious bacterial infection that destroys the skin, fat, and the tissue covering the muscles (fascia). It is caused by a variety of bacteria, including group A streptococcus, Klebsiella, Clostridium, and E. coli. If left untreated, the infection can quickly spread and lead to … Read more

Bile Tolerance test procedure, principle, and Reagents

The Bile Tolerance test is used to differentiate streptococcus agalactia from other gram-positive cocci. Certain streptococci (S.agalactiae) and enterococci are resistant to 10-40% bile and this test is used to differentiate these from other Gram-positive cocci. Anaerobic bacteria also vary in their ability to grow in the presence of 20% bile. Bile tolerance is most … Read more