Microbiology mcqs with answers pdf chapter 14, Major pathogens and An aerobic bacteria
Here are the important Microbiology mcqs with answers pdf chapter 14 Introduction to anaerobic bacteria.
Here are the important Microbiology mcqs with answers pdf chapter 14 Introduction to anaerobic bacteria.
Here are the important questions and answers from Chapter 13 (Method of disinfection are mcq ), sterilization and disinfection methods microbiology.
1. Bacteria grow by …….. Process. a. Binary fission b. Budding 2. Time at which one cell gives rise to two progeny cells is called… a. exponential growth b. logarithmic growth c. both 3. Exponential growth of e.coli is. a. 20 mints b. 1-hour c. 45 mints 4. In the LAG phase. Which …….. activity … Read more