Microbiology exam questions and answers pdf chapter 15

Here are the “microbiology exam questions and answers pdf chapter 15 Gram-positive bacteria. 1. Which of the following bacterial groups is characterized by a thick peptidoglycan layer in their cell walls, leading to a purple color in the Gram stain? a) Gram-negative bacteriab) Gram-positive bacteriac) Archaead) Fungi Answer: b) Gram-positive bacteria 2. Which of the … Read more

Microbiology mcqs with answers pdf chapter 14, Major pathogens and An aerobic bacteria

Here are the important Microbiology mcqs with answers pdf chapter 14 Introduction to anaerobic bacteria.

Method of disinfection are mcq chapter 13

Here are the important questions and answers from Chapter 13 (Method of disinfection are mcq ), sterilization and disinfection methods microbiology.