Morphological classification of anemia chart, symptoms, diagnosis


Anemia is defined as low hemoglobin (HB) concentration or decreased amount of red blood cell mass in the blood. There are three different types of anemia on the basis the of Morphological classification of the anemia chart. Hemoglobin level depends on many factors like gender, age, nutrition, and health. The female has lower Hemoglobin as … Read more

Negative zeta potential of red blood cells:l Significance and factors affecting it

Red blood cells (RBC) have a negative charge on their surface due to SIALIC ACID. This charge prevents the clumping of Red blood cells. Zeta Potential principle RBCs have a negative charge on their surface due to sialic acid. Therefore red blood cells repel the adjacent red blood cells (Having the same charge), result in … Read more

Sickling test principle and procedure

The sickling test, also known as the sickle cell test, is a laboratory test used to diagnose sickle cell disease, (a genetic blood disorder) . It involves taking a small sample of blood from the patient and examining it under a microscope to look for the presence of sickle-shaped red blood cells. Therefore Sickling test … Read more

Manual hematocrit procedure

The hematocrit is an important test for estimating the average volume of red blood cells. Anticoagulated blood is used for hematocrit tests. You can calculate mean corpuscular volume (MCV) with the help of HCT. Manual hematocrit calculation methods There are two methods for calculating the hematocrit. Wintrobe’s method of Hematocrit (macrohematocrit) test requirements, procedure , … Read more

Tourniquet test procedure for dengue

The Tourniquet Test is a diagnostic test used to assess capillary fragility, particularly in cases of suspected dengue fever or other conditions that may cause bleeding or bruising issues. It helps to identify the tendency of blood vessels (capillaries) to break under pressure, which can be a sign of thrombocytopenia (low platelet count). Tourniquet test … Read more

Prothrombin time test procedure: Principle, Requirements, Factors

prothrombin test principle procedure

Prothrombin time test procedure used to check the activity of the EXTRINSIC and COMMON coagulation pathways under standard conditions. When thromboplastin (prepared from rabbit brain) and calcium are added to citrated plasma. It activates the coagulation pathway, resulting in a FIBRIN clot. The time taken, for this clot to form is called prothrombin time. Prothrombin … Read more

Bleeding time duke method procedure

Principle of bleeding time , Duckes and Ivy's methods procedure significance

Bleeding time or BT is used to assess the ability of blood to clot by measuring the time it takes for bleeding to stop after a standardized skin puncture. It provides information about platelet function and the initial phase of hemostasis. During bleeding, platelets adhere to the damaged blood vessels, aggregate together, and form a … Read more

Perfect blood smear technique procedure, thick, thin errors,

Perfect blood smear technique procedure, thick, thin errors,

The perfect blood smear technique is important for the microscopic study of microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, and other parasites like Plasmodium species, Leishmania species, and others. Ideal blood film is necessary for identifying the specific types of anemia, whether it is microcytic anemia, microcytic hypochromic, or normocytic anemia. What are the uses of peripheral blood … Read more

May grunwald giemsa stain principle, procedure

mgg stain principle and procedure (May grunwald giemsa stain)

May grunwald giemsa stain is Romanowsky stain.They are composed of two components azure B and Eosin Y. Azure B bind with anionic parts of cell-like DNA and stain them blue. While Eosin Y binds with cationic parts of cell-like protein, it stains them the red color. Giemsa stain was first discovered by Gustav Giemsa in 1902 It is composed … Read more

High glucose but normal a1c

High glucose but normal a1c

Having high glucose but a normal A1C can be a perplexing situation. A1C is often used as a long-term measure of blood sugar control. However, this discrepancy can occur for several reasons. Here are some possible causes: If high glucose persists despite a normal A1C, it’s essential to investigate further. Consider using continuous glucose monitoring … Read more