Compare and contrast the nutritional needs of infants and adults

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One of the main differences between infant and adult nutritional needs is the amount of protein required. Infants require a higher amount of protein in proportion to their body weight than adults to support growth and development.

On the other hand, adults require a lower amount of protein as their growth has stopped and they are maintaining their body rather than building new tissues.

Compare and contrast the nutritional needs of infants and adults.

Another difference is the need for certain vitamins and minerals. For example, infants require a higher amount of iron to support the rapid growth of their red blood cells, while adults require less iron because their blood cell production is slower.

Additionally, infants need more Vitamin D to support bone development, while adults require less.

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Compare and contrast the nutritional needs of infants and adults

A third difference is the need for specific types of fats. Infants require a higher amount of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats for brain development, while adults require a higher proportion of saturated fats to support overall health and hormone production.

In terms of the types of food consumed, infants require breast milk or formula to meet their nutritional needs in the first 6 months of life.

After 6 months, they start to transition to solid foods while still receiving breast milk or formula. On the other hand, adults are able to meet their nutritional needs through a balanced diet that includes a variety of food groups.

In conclusion, both infants and adults have unique nutritional requirements that reflect their developmental stage and physiological differences. Meeting these requirements through a balanced diet is essential for overall health and well-being.

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