Initial steps for Medical lab Technologis
Obtain four-year degree
If you are interested in medical lab technology, you should get enrolled in a professional field Medical laboratory technology after intermediate. In Fsc or intermediate your need Biology as a basic subject to gain initial knowledge about how life came or other microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi.

Learn Laboratory skills
This is the next step After enrolment in a good college or university. This profession has four profs. In the first prof, the teacher will teach the basic subject of the laboratory. In the next year, you will perform practical work on different laboratory sections like hematology, histopathology, immunology, and blood banking.
GET ASCP License
After completion of the degree, you need to get an ASCP license. License important for your career. After getting registration in ASCP, you can work in any laboratory in the USA.

After crossing all steps, now you are a professional lab technologist and WELCOME TO MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY. After obtaining a certain amount of additional work experience, the medical lab Technologist search for positions in blood banking, clinical biochemistry, microbiology, toxicology, in a different Govt hospital laboratory, and in a private laboratory.