Culturing bacteria in a laboratory involves creating a controlled environment that supports the growth of bacterial cells. Here is a general step-by-step guide on how to culture bacteria:

Materials require for bacteria culture

  1. Nutrient Agar or Broth
  2. Petri dishes
  3. Inoculating loop
  4. Bunsen burner
  5. Sterile cotton swabs
  6. The incubator is set to the appropriate temperature (usually 37°C for most bacteria)
  7. Sterile water and disinfectants

Bacteria culture procedure in the laboratory step-by-step

  • Prepare the nutrient agar. (Agar is used as a solid medium, and broth is a liquid medium).
  • Sterilize the inoculating loop by passing it through the flame of a Bunsen burner until it glows red. Allow it to cool before use.
  • Pour the melted agar into sterile Petri dishes and allow it to solidify. In the case of broth, distribute the sterile broth into tubes or flasks.
  • Using an aseptic technique, transfer a small sample of the bacteria to the agar surface. This can be done using the inoculating loop.
  • Streak the bacteria on the surface using the inoculating loop to obtain isolated colonies.
  • Now place the Petri dishes or tubes in an incubator set at the appropriate temperature for the specific bacteria you are culturing (typically 37°C for many common bacteria).
  • Incubate for 24 to 48 hours, allowing the bacteria to multiply and form visible colonies.
  • Regularly check the plates or tubes for bacterial growth. Colonies become visible on agar plates, and turbidity will be observed in broth cultures.

NOTE: Always follow appropriate safety procedures and use a microbiological safety cabinet if handling potentially pathogenic bacteria. Ensure proper disposal of bacterial waste and adhere to laboratory safety protocols.

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