There are different types of culture media in the microbiology laboratory. These culture media are used for the growth of bacteria.

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Different bacteria need different conditions of growth. Some bacteria need aerobic conditions for their growth, while some grow under aerobic conditions.

Different types of  culture media in microbiology 

The microbiology laboratory has SEVEN types of culture. These media are important for bacteria growth in the micro lab. Each media has a different composition. These media are synthesized according to the needs of bacteria.   there are seven types of media. Which are listed below.

  1. Simple media
  2. Enriched Media
  3. Selective media
  4. Indicator media
  5. Transport Media
  6. Enrichment Media
  7. Differential Media

Simple media in microbiology

It is basic culture media in microbiology. All other media are produced by it. These media contain basic nutrients for bacteria growth. Like broth with peptone water. It may or may not contain solidifying agents.

Example: Broth and peptone water

Enriched media definition

This type of media is better than simple media for bacteria growth.  It is used for the isolation and growth of certain types of pathogens.  These media contain the following substances.
  1. Blood    5-10%
  2. Serum  10 %
  3. Acetic acid  10%
  4. Glucose 1-2%
  5. Plasma   5-10%

Enriched media examples: Blood agar, Chocolate agar

Selective Media

It is used to isolate a particular pathogen. One important benefit of this media is, it grows only selective
Pathogen and prohibit other pathogens.

Selective culture media Example:

  1. Pepton Water  for Vibrio Cholera
  2. Thiosulphate Citrate Bile Salt agar (TCBS) for Vibrio cholera
  3.  Dexe Chocolate Citrate Agar (DCA) for salmonella and shigella 
  4. BISMUTH SULPHITE AGAR (BSA) for Salmonella

Differential Media in the Micro Lab

This media is used to differentiate different organisms or pathogens on the base of their colonies. For example presence of lactose in Macconkey agar, it helps in differentiating between lactose and non-lactose organisms.
Differential culture media ExampleCLED agar

Enrichment culture Media in microbiology 

Sometimes organisms require an enrichment environment for their growth.  These media are mostly in liquid naturally. This media also contains some inhabitants for unwanted organisms. 

Enrichment culture media examples:

Tetrathionate broth, Selenite F broth. These are an enrichment for salmonella and shigella but inhabit other intestinal organisms. 

Transport culture Media in microbiology

This type of media can be semi-solid or solid. It contains certain ingredients which promote the survival of aerobic and anaerobic pathogens and prevent the growth of commensalism.

Transport culture Media examples:

  1. Cary Blair medium: enteric pathogens
  2. Amies Transport medium : gonococci 

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