How to calculate total magnification of a microscope

How to calculate magnification of a microscope

Here are the steps, you can follow to calculate total magnification of a microscope. To calculate the magnification you need information about the magnification of the objective lens and the eyepiece. How to calculate magnification of a compound microscope How to calculate magnification of a stereo microscope (Dissecting Microscopes) Stereo microscopes have two eyepieces and … Read more

What is Mean Platelet Volume principle procedure (Mean Platelet Volume)

mpv blood test high low mean

The MPV blood test (Mean Platelet Volume) measures the average size of platelets in the blood. Mpv blood test principle The principle involves analyzing the volume of platelets present and calculating the mean or average size. Mpv blood test procedure Mpv test Results Interpretation Mean Platelet Volume High means Mean Platelet Volume low means Here … Read more

Why is plasma preferred over serum in Serology

Why is plasma preferred over serum in Serology

Plasma and serum are both components of blood, but they differ in their composition. The main distinction between the two is that plasma contains clotting factors, while serum does not. Here are reasons why plasma is preferred over serum in serology tests.

Giemsa stain principle preparation composition procedure

Giemsa stain principle preparation composition procedure

Here’s the Giemsa stain procedure, composition, preparation steps. Giemsa stain is a histological and cytological stain commonly used in laboratories to enhance the visibility of components, especially in blood smears and bone marrow samples. Giemsa stain principle The Giemsa stain use mixture of dyes to selectively stain cellular components, aiding in the visualization and classification … Read more

4 reasons why a pregnant woman should make love everyday

4 reasons why a pregnant woman should make love everyday

Here are the top 4 reasons why a pregnant woman should make love every day. NOTE: It’s important to emphasize that every pregnancy is unique, and what works for one person may not be suitable for another. Some women may experience complications or discomfort that limit sexual activity during pregnancy. .