What is tibc lab test? Total iron binding capacity high or low means

TIBC lab test (Total iron binding capacity) is a clinical lab test that measures the amount of iron that can be bound to the protein transferrin in your blood.

Transferrin is a protein that carries iron in the bloodstream. Tibc lab test is typically measured in micro-grams of iron per deciliter (µg/dL) of blood.

TIBC test is used to help diagnose and monitor conditions that affect iron levels in the body, such as iron deficiency anemia and certain types of anemia that are caused by an excess of iron in the body (hemochromatosis).

NOTE: It is also used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment for these conditions.

How to calculate tibc lab test?

To calculate total iron binding capacity (TIBC), you will need to know the levels of transferrin and iron in the blood.

Here is the formula for calculating TIBC:

TIBC = transferrin (mg/dL) / iron (µg/dL)

TIBC = transferrin (mg/dL) / iron (µg/dL)

For example, if the level of transferrin in the blood is 100 mg/dL and the level of iron is 50 µg/dL, the TIBC would be:

TIBC = 100 mg/dL / 50 µg/dL = 2

What is the normal range of TIBC lab tests?

The normal range of TIBC is between 250 and 450 µg/dL.

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