Fume hood vs biosafety cabinet

Here you will learn about fume hood vs biosafety cabinet. In laboratories and research facilities, safety and containment are paramount concerns. Two essential tools used to ensure the safety of researchers and the integrity of experiments are fume hoods and biosafety cabinets. While both serve crucial roles in maintaining a controlled environment, they are designed … Read more

How does column chromatography work

Column chromatography is a widely used separation technique in chemistry. It involves packing a vertical glass or plastic column with a solid stationary phase, often silica gel or alumina. The compounds in the mixture move at different rates through the column based on their interactions with the stationary phase. How does column chromatography work Column … Read more

Distilled vs deionized water

Here you will understand between Distilled vs deionized water. Which kind of water is best for your health. Water is often referred to as the “universal solvent” due to its remarkable ability to dissolve a wide range of substances. However, in many scientific, industrial, and laboratory applications, the purity of water is of utmost importance. … Read more

Light microscope vs Electron microscope comparative analysis table

Here are the light microscope vs electron microscope comparisons. Microscopes have been invaluable tools in the world of science for centuries, enabling researchers to explore the intricate details of the microcosm. Zacharias Janssen (c. 1580): A Dutch spectacle maker, Janssen is often credited with inventing the compound microscope. While Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska (1931) … Read more

Difference between distilled water and deionized water

Most of us use distilled water in daily life. But sometimes we need deionized water for kind of purpose. Therefore many of us have a question and want to know “the difference between distilled water and deionized water”. Here you will learn everything meaning of deionized water, difference between distilled and deionized water and can … Read more

How to balance a centrifuge

Here you will learn about “How to balance a centrifuge step by step”. Balancing a centrifuge in a laboratory is essential to ensure accurate and safe sample separation. Here are the steps to balance a centrifuge: Properly balancing the centrifuge helps to prevent vibration and ensures that the samples are evenly distributed during centrifugation, leading … Read more

Laboratory Centrifuge uses

doctor using a centrifuge machine

Here you will learn about “applications of laboratory centrifuge”. A centrifuge is a laboratory device that is used for the separation of fluids, gas, or liquid. It separates all these based on their density variation.

medical lab equipment names uses, and pictures

Here you are lab equipment names and pictures. Lab equipment is small to big and cheap to most expensive equipment. The list of laboratory types of equipment and their uses are specific. Each piece of equipment has its features. Microscope Beaker Flame Photometer Water Bath Lab Centrifuge Balance Cold Incubator Mixer Incubator Oven Autoclaves Laboratory … Read more