Here you are lab equipment names and pictures. Lab equipment is small to big and cheap to most expensive equipment. The list of laboratory types of equipment and their uses are specific. Each piece of equipment has its features.

  • Microscope
  • Beaker
  • Flame Photometer
  • Water Bath
  • Lab Centrifuge
  • Balance
  • Cold Incubator
  • Mixer
  • Incubator
  • Oven
  • Autoclaves

Laboratory microscope and their uses

A laboratory microscope is an optical device used to study microorganisms like (bacteria, viruses, Fungus more) which are unable to be seen with the naked eye. Uses of the microscope are.

  • A microscope is used to differentiate malaria species by the microscopic study.
  • It is used for checking the agglutination.
  • It is used to differentiate gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.


A microtome is also a laboratory equipment. It is used to cut a small piece of biopsies. Microtome has five types. Rotary microtome is commonly used in the histopathology laboratory.

Tissue Processor

Tissue processing is a term used for processing tissue by automated lab equipment known tissue processor. Tissue processors contain different jars filled with chemicals such as wax and alcohol with different concentrations.


A micropipette is used to transfer a specific amount of liquid from one place to another. It can be 100 micro litter or 1000 micro litter. Some micropipette’s capacities are zero to 10 microlitter.

Water Bath

The water bath is also a clinical lab equipment. The application of a water bath is, it is used to provide a constant temperature to the sample. The sample is placed in the preheated water container. It is commonly used for PT (Prothrombin Time) APTT (Activated Partial Thrombin Time) and other tests.

Laboratory Incubator

Laboratory Incubator is used to provide constant internal environment like humidity, temperature, and gas concentration in limited space. There are different kinds of incubators with spacification.  It is used to incubate bacteria, and tissue culture.

Laboratory Autoclave

laboratory autoclave is an equipment that gives moist heat or steam above 100 C temperature. Its main use is that its steam denatures the microbial protein. It destroys the bacterial endospore and vegetative cells by serializing culture media.

Laboratory Oven

Laboratory ovens provide temperatures higher than that atmosphere. The main difference between an incubator and an oven is the temperature range. The incubator temperature is between 10 to 70 C. While lab oven temperature is between 50 to 250 C. Oven is used

  • Rapid evaporation of materials.
  • Rapid drying
  • Sterilization of lab equipment, which is heat resistant.

Laboratory Centrifuge

A laboratory centrifuge is also a lab equipment used to separate substances by centrifugal force based on different masses. Centrifuge machine works on the principle of centrifugation. It creates a centripetal force by spin motion.

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