Hemolysin test procedure

The hemolysin test is used to check if bacteria can produce hemolysins. (It is a substances that break down red blood cells (RBCs). By breaking RBCs, hemolysins release hemoglobin, which is visible on special plates called blood agar plates. Here is the Hemolysin test procedure steps. What are the types of hemolysis? How to read … Read more

8 Differences between broth and agar in microbiology

In microbiology, two common types of growth media are used to cultivate microorganisms: broth and agar. While they share similar compositions, the main difference between them lies in their physical state and purpose. What is Broth media in microbiology? A broth is a liquid medium used to maintain stocks of microorganisms. It is typically used … Read more

How to culture bacteria in the laboratory step-by-step procedure

Culturing bacteria in a laboratory involves creating a controlled environment that supports the growth of bacterial cells. Here is a general step-by-step guide on how to culture bacteria: Materials require for bacteria culture Bacteria culture procedure in the laboratory step-by-step NOTE: Always follow appropriate safety procedures and use a microbiological safety cabinet if handling potentially … Read more

Microbiology mcqs with answers pdf Chapter 17, 18

Microbiology mcqs with answers pdf

Sterile technique vs aseptic technique

Here you will learn about the “Aseptic technique vs Sterile technique”. The aseptic technique is important in healthcare and laboratory settings. The sterile technique is also crucial. These techniques prevent the spread of infections and maintain a clean environment. What is Aseptic Technique? The aseptic technique involves methods to prevent the introduction of microorganisms from … Read more

What is TPHA test for syphilis procedure

TPHA test for syphilis procedure

Here you will learn about “What is TPHA test for syphilis procedure”. The TPHA (Treponema pallidum hemagglutination assay) test is a diagnostic test used for the detection of antibodies against Treponema pallidum. This test is a specific and sensitive method for diagnosing syphilis and is often used as a confirmatory test. TPHA test principle The … Read more

Cytology vs pathology

Cytology and pathology are two vital branches of diagnostic medicine, each playing a distinct role in the identification and understanding of diseases. Here you will learn about ” cytology vs Pathology”. What is Cytology? Cytology is the study of cells, focusing on their structure, function, and abnormalities. It involves the examination of individual cells, often … Read more

Slide agglutination test principle procedure

The Slide Agglutination Test is a widely used technique in microbiology that leverages the principles of antigen-antibody interactions for the rapid detection of specific substances in the samples. Slide Agglutination Test principle Latex particles coated with specific antibodies or antigens are mixed with a sample. If the sample contains the matching antigen or antibody, clumping … Read more

Latex agglutination test principle procedure microbiology

The Latex Agglutination Test is a widely used technique that offers rapid and reliable results in the detection of specific antigens or antibodies of certain kinds of bacteria like cryptococcus. In this article, you will learn about ” What is Latex agglutination test principle and procedure. When did we need to perform a latex test … Read more