1. Glass material used to measure urine volumes of 24 hours:
A. Volumetric Flask
B. Beaker
C. Erlenmeyer cylinder
D. graduate cylinder
I. Safety bulb
Answer: D) Graduate cylinder

2. Glassware used for making 100 ml of 12% solution:
A. Volumetric Flask
B. Beaker
C. Erlenmeyer cylinder
D. graduate cylinder
I. Safety bulb
Answer: a) Volumetric flash

3. A suction device for pulling fluid:
A. Volumetric Flask
B. Beaker
C. Erlenmeyer cylinder
D. graduate cylinder
I. Safety bulb
Answer: e) Safety bulb

4. The pipette is one with the middle part raised:
A. Stamp Pipette
B. Grass Land Pipette
C. Serological pipette
D. volumetric pipette
I. Micropipette
Answer: D) Volumetric pipette

5. No piece of glassware gives a significant amount of:
A. Volumetric Flask
B. Beaker
C. Erlenmeyer cylinder
D. graduate cylinder
I. Safety bulb
Answer: b) Beaker

6. Durable material used for making heat resistant glassware:
A. Polyethylene
B. Soda lime
C. Polystyrene
D. Borosilicate
I. Polyvinyl chloride
Answer: D) Borosilicate

7. Solid crystals of potassium oxalate are mixed in distilled water in a container. Potassium oxalate is described by which term?
A. Solution
B. solvent
C. molten material
D. Regent
Answer: c) Solvent

8. The destruction of all micro-organisms, including spores:
A. Cleanup
B. Resistance
C. Sterilization
D. disinfectant
I. deflation
Answer: c) Sterilization

9. A unit to describe ugly:
A. Time
B. Vol
C. distance
D. Weight
I. Length
Answer: D) Weight

10. A pH of 2 is _____ compared to a pH of 5:
A. 1000 times more acidic
B. 100 times more acidic
C. 2 times less acidic
D. 20 times less acidic
I. 1000 times more acidic
Answer: e) 1000 times more acidic

11. Hypertonic solution consists of cells:
A. Swell and blast
B. Dehydration
C. Hemolaij
D. was not impressed
I. Prevent mitosis
Answer: b) Dehydration

12. The solution to cure a Pap smear is:
A. Wright’s stain
B. Hematoxylin
C. Physical Saline
D. Cytospray
I. Methylene Blue
Answer: D) Cytospray

13. Blood must be prepared for RBC calculation:
A. EDTA blood
B. seated blood
C. Heparinized blood
D. Oxalated blood
I. Blood clot
Answer: a) EDTA blood

14. What factor is not routinely used to preserve tissue in a lifestyle:
A. Formic acid
B. Zener fluid
C. 40% formaldehyde is dissolved in water
D. Beuin fluid
I. 10% formalin
Answer: a) formic acid

15. Which part of the histology equipment does not depend on temperature:
A. Wax
Bishu processor
D. Embedding Center
I. Water bath
Answer: c) Microtome

16. Biopsy:
A. Expulsion of organic liquid
B. Displacement
C. Post mortem examination
D. Representative tissue pattern
I. Blood collection
Answer: D) Excision of a representative tissue sample

17. During tissue processing, what is the correct sequence of steps:
A. Clearing, dehydration, infiltration
Clearing, infiltration, dehydration
C. Dehydration, infiltration, clearing
D. Dehydration, clearing, infiltration
I. Embedding, sectioning, staining
Answer: D, dehydration, clearing, infiltration

Diagnosis is important in tissue processing because it:
A. Prevents cell morphological changes and contractions
B. Allows the tissue to be tested in a life-like state
C. Simplifies the blurring process
I. A, B, and C.
Answer: e) a, b, c

The liquid fraction of blood remaining after coagulation is called:
A. Buffy coat
B. Serum
C. Plasma
D. lymph
I. Tissue fluid
Answer: b) Serum

20. No test can be done on the serum sample:
A. Iron
B. Vitamin B12
C. Total lipids
D. freezing factors
I. Potassium
Answer: D) freezing factor

21. The normal erythrocyte size is as follows:
A. Bi-sectional disk
B. Spirocyte
C. Palimarphonyukliyosait
D. Slim column
I. Bull’s eye
Answer: a) Decatur disk

22. Glucose results are correct:
A. G / mmol
B. mmol / L.
C. G / L
D. G / ml
I. g / dl
Answer: b) MMOL / L.

  23. If  a patient refuses to have a venipuncture done you should:

      A) tear up the requisition
      B)   collect a urine sample
      C)   politely ask a patient to come back next week
      D)   restrain the patient and proceed with the venipuncture
      E)    notify the patient’s physician
 Answer: e) notify the patients physician

24. Which statement is incorrect when doing venipuncture:

A. The vein enters an angle of 15-20 degrees.
B. The tubes are pushed into the needle with a strong hand thumb
C. When the needle enters the bevel vein it is lifted
D. The tricyclic is removed before the needle is withdrawn
I. The patient’s arm is cleaned before the vein ruptures
Answer: e) The patient’s hand is cleaned before the vein is turned.

25. Biohazard container is used to ignore:
A. Lancets
B. needle
C. Band-Aid Rapper
D. A and B.
I. A, B and C.
Answer: D) A and B

26. Which needle gauge corresponds to the smallest needle size:
A. 18
B. 20
C. 21
D. 22
I. 23
Answer: e) 23

27. Vacuum tube used to collect and separate serum:
A. Red
B. Green
C. Lavender
D. light blue
Answer: e) SST

28. If Lavender Top, Plane Red Top, Gray Top and Light Blue Top Tube are collected, what is the order of the draw:
A. They can be collected in any order.
B. Plain red top, lavender, blue, gray
C. Blue, Plain Red Top, Gray, Lavender
D. Gray, Blue, Lavender, Plain red top
I. Plain red top, light blue, lavender, gray
Answer: e) Plain red top, light blue, lavender, gray

29. The walk is flat:
A. Applied very strongly to the hand
Used to increase venous filling
C. About 6-8 above the elbow
D. tied in a knot to keep it secure
I. Needle released after withdrawal
Answer: b) Used to increase venous filling

30. If the patient falls unconscious at the time of the injury, you must:
A. Call the doctor once
B. Remove the needle and present it to the patient
C. Shout out loud
Continue this process until all blood is collected
I. Start artificial respiration immediately
Answer: b) Remove the needle and leave the patient

31. No vein / vein is used to obtain a venous blood sample:
A. The basilica vein
B. cephalic vein
C. Medial cubicle vein
D. Femoral vein
I. The veins behind the hand
Answer: D) Femoral vein

32. Blood sample collected in a heparinized tube was centrifuged. It divides:
A. Serum and clotting
B. Plasma and coagulation
C. Serum and plasma
D. Plasma, Buffy Coat, RBC
Answer: D) Plasma, Buffy Coat, RBC

33. As a result of hemolysis:
A. Using a 25-gauge needle on adults
B. The blood sample is definitely shaking
C. Cooling the void before use
D. Leave the tourniquet for 3 minutes
I. All of the above
Answer: e) All of the above

34. Examination Procedure Using Vestigrain Tube
A. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
B. Hematocrit
C. Reticulocyte counting
D. Micromatocrit
I. Difference
Answer: a) Erythrocyte sedimentation rate

35. Latex Gloves Protect Laboratory Worker:
A. Sudden needle puncture
B. minor injury
C. Patient Aerosol
D. Body fluid
I. All of the above
Answer: D) body fluids

36. Which statement is incorrect when setting ESR:
A. It should be read in exactly one hour
B. It should be installed near the centrifuge
C. The blood level must be zero
D. It should be done on fresh blood
I. It should be placed in a vertical position
Answer: b) It should be installed near the centrifuge

37. What is the normal temperature of a laboratory refrigerator:
A. 4C
B. 0 c
C. 3 c
d.20 c
e.37 c
Answer: c) 3 c

38. The purpose of differentiation is as follows:
A. Determine the RBC ratio in whole blood
Calculate the number of WBCs in whole blood
C. Determine the WBC ratio in whole blood
D. C and E
I. diagnose anemia
Answer: c) Determine the ratio of WBC in whole blood

39. Blend well before testing blood samples for cell count:
A. Avoid Platelets Clamp
B. Avoid small clots
C. Give oxygen to the sample
D. Also determine the distribution of all blood components
I. A mixture of anticoagulants with blood
Answer: D) Also determine the distribution of all blood components

40. Automated Hematology uses the Cell Count formula:
A. Spreading
Color absorption change
C. High Frequency
D. change in cell electric current
Answer: D

41. Maximum depth to puncture the heel on the newborn:
A. 1.5 mm.
B. 2.0 mm
C 2.4 mm
D. 2.8 mm
I. 3.0 mm
Answer: C) 2.4 mm

42. The first drop of blood is removed after the skin is punctured:
A. Remove any existing pathogens
B. Increased blood flow to this area
C. Remove the last trace of alcohol
D. Remove any excess tissue fluid
I. C&D
Answer: e) C and D

43. Which areas are suitable for perforation of the baby:
A. Any so-called areas of the foot
B. The second or third finger on both hands
C. heel curve
D. lateral heel
Answer: D) The lateral and flat part of the heel

44. Laboratory section of antigen-antibody reaction studies what:
A. Blood
B. Gerontology
C. Immunology
D. Chemistry
I. Freezing
Answer: c) Immunology

45. Which pipe is pulled for ANA:
A. Red
B. Gray
C. Esesti
D. Green
I. Light blue
Answer: c) SST.

46. Disinfectant used on a metal surface:
A. 10% formalin
B. 2% glutaraldehyde
C. 1% hypochlorite
D. 70% isopropyl alcohol
I. 15% iodine
Answer: b) 2% glutaraldehyde

47. Which tube is collected for cross-match:
A. Lavender
B. light blue
C. Green
D. Gray
I. Plain red top
Answer: e) Plain red top

48. A special serum from dark yellow to amber is called:
A. crenated
B. Liphemic
C. Jiggar
D. Illness
I. Hemolyzed
Answer: D) Iconic

49. Which factor disrupts the development of pathogens:
A. Appropriate nutrients
B. dark
C. humid weather
D. An acidic pH
I. 37 C. Temperature
Answer: d) An acidic pH

50. A sample:
A. Spread the material on the slide
Blood or urine volume
C. A small sample taken to represent the whole organism or system
D. a microbial colony that grows on solid medium
I. The technique used for microscopic examination of urine
Answer: c) a small sample taken to represent the whole organism or system

51. The purpose of curing bacterial scar is as follows:
A. Prevent washing of cells during stains
B. causes cells to absorb stains easily
C. Give warm temperature for bacteria to grow
D. Make the cells visible under the microscope
I. Destroy the bacterial cell wall
Answer: a) Prevents washing of cells during stains

52. Write a sample site in a swab container:
A. Warns employees about possible pathogens
B. If time permits – it is always necessary
C. Determine whether there are appropriate and weather requirements
D. determine o.h.i.p. Fees
I. A, B, C, D and E.
Answer: c) To determine the appropriate agar and weather requirements option

53. Identify the correct sequence of steps on the gram stain process:
A. Primary stain, secondary stain, mordant, decolorizing
B. mordant, primary stain, decomposition, forgery
C. Counterstain, mordant, primary stain, decolorizing
D. Primary stain, merodant, decorating, counter stain
I. None of these
Answer: d) Primary stain, mordant, decolorizing, counter stain

54. How to Store Commercially Made Culture Plates:
A. Many hours before use in the freezer
B. Reversal to prevent drip freezing in the media
C. At room temperature in the dark area of the laboratory
D. At a temperature of 2 * C – 4 * C
I. B&D
Answer: e) b and d

55. A Gram stain acts as a valence to bind reagent stain to bacteria:
A. Lugol iodine
B. Safranin
C. Acetone-alcohol
D. gram iodine
I. Crystal Violet
Answer: D) Village iodine

56. Identify the false statement regarding blood culture collection:
A. The site is cleaned with bettin and alcohol
B. The arterial specimen is collected
C. Aerobic design is required
D. Blood culture tubes are always drawn first
I. Samples are never refrigerated
Answer: b) The arterial sample is collected

57. Sensitivity test:
A. How fast the microbiome can be destroyed
B. Identifies the type of microbe in the sample
C. determines the growth needs of organisms
D. producing a pure culture
I. Identifies the antibiotic needed to kill the microbe
Answer: e) Identifies the antibiotic needed to kill the microbe

58. Identify false statements when a sample is cultured:
A. Required equipment loop and live flame
B. The media is brought to room temperature before use
C. Depending on the type of media model selected
D. The loop is sterilized before sterilization
I. Petri lid is placed upright on the bench to prevent contamination
Answer: e) Petri lid is placed upright on the bench to prevent contamination

59. A statement is false when a gram is wet:
A. Distilled water is used for washing
B. Acetone-Alcohol reduces Gram-negative bacteria
C. Safranin turns Gram-negative bacteria into red
Gram iodine is used to bind the primary stain
I. Crystal violet violet-positive bacterial violet stain
Answer: a) Distilled water is used for washing

60. When processing the swab, body fluids or blood are most commonly used for protection:
A. Fume hood
B. Square L Laminar Flow Hood
C. Square ll Laminar Flow Hood
D. Square LL Laminar Flow Hood
I. Glove Box
Answer: C) Class L Laminar Flow Hood

61. You are collecting blood sugar levels. The patient asks if you think he has diabetes. You’ll tell him:
A. It is a possibility but you are not positive
B. You cannot give him any information
C. He can answer this question by discussing it with the doctor
D. You are instructed not to give any information, so you cannot discuss it
I. Read a prepared booklet and make your decision
Answer: c) Discuss this question with a therapist because he can answer this question.

62. Autoclave for small loads is set to _____:
A. 50 * 6 minutes for 121 * C.
B. 130 * C for 30 minutes.
C. 121 * C. 15 minutes 15 minutes.
75 minutes at 151.i5 D. 121 * C.
I. 154 * C 20 minutes.
Answer: C) 121 * C 15 minutes for 15 minutes.

63. Medicine is a universally accepted disinfectant for the office:
A. 2% glutaraldehyde
B. 1% hypochlorite
C. 10% formalin
D. 70% isopropyl alcohol
I. 5% iodine
Answer: b) 1% hypochlorite

64. The patient’s health card contains ___ digits:
A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10
I. 12
Answer: D) 10

65. Dilute 1/6 of serum in water. Glucose Outcome 4.0 mmol / L. What is the reported result:
A. 0.66 mmol / L.
B. 4.0 mmol / L.
C. 24.0 mmol / L.
D. 40.0 mmol / L.
I. 60.0 mmol / L.
Answer: C) 24.0 mmol / L

66. How many ml of 4% hydrochloric acid will make 100 ml of 20% hydrochloric acid:
A. 50 ml.
B. 80 ml.
C. 100 ml.
D. 500 ml.
I. 1000 ml.
Answer: D) 500 milliliters

67. How many grams of NaCl is required to make 300 ml of 2% solution:
A. 2 grams
B. 4 grams
C. 6 g
D. 20 grams
I. Unable to identify with the information
Answer: c) 6 grams

68. How many centimeters are there in a foot:
A. 3
B. 12
C. 24
D. 30
I. 100
Answer: D) 30

69. There are two standard deviations from the mean:
A. 5% off all prices
B. 34% of all prices
C. 50% of all prices
D. 68% of all prices
I. 95% of all values
Answer: e) 95% of all values

70). Two technicians were told to perform a particular test on the blood samples. One technician used a chromatograph, while the second technician used a hemacytometer.Now the question is, what could they have been done, ensure that both technicians used the same test?       

Naepaine is an anesthetic. pure naepaine (mp 66-67°c) is a white crystalline solid at room temperature.

  1.  nifenazone an analgesic.
  2.  pure nifenazone (mp 252-253°c) is a crystalline solid at room temperature. 

which one of the following statement is correct?


dr. asof samuels sent tissue from a biopsy of mrs. moore’s diaphragm for review by the medical laboratory where they study __________. when negative results were reported, dr. samuels scheduled a __________ to remove part of her diaphragm.

the drying of the surfaces of the eye, including the conjunctiva, is called: xerophthalmia nystophthalmia hemanopia tympanometry submit

the following excerpt is from which portion of the discharge summary? labs admission labs: ua: pyuria: .20 wbcs; hematuria: 3 1 blood; albuminuria: 1 1 protein. urine culture: e. coli. blood culture: e. coli. discharge labs: ua normal. urine culture normal. imaging vcug: no vesicoureteral reflux noted. rus: no hydronephrosis noted. normal. spiral ct of kidneys on day 3 of admission revealed perinephric abscess formation of the left kidney.

how you would (carefully!) prepare 25.00 ml of an aqueous calicheamicin gamma-1 solution that could kill 1.0×108 bacteria, starting from a 5.00×10−9m stock solution of the antibiotic. 

when performing the antioxidant lab, you will test the ability of substances to inhibit the______________ of nitro blue tetrazolium (nbt)?

calculate the 8-hour output for a patient with the following:  urine 740ml, jp drain 55ml, chest tube 105ml

a lab technician needs to clean medical instruments that have been exposed to bacteria. which electromagnetic wave would be most useful for this task?

infrared radio ultraviolet microwave

impedance plethysmography is a technique that can be used to detect thrombosis--the presence of clots in a blood vessel–by measuring the electrical resistance of a limb, such as the calf of the leg. in a typical clinical setting, a current of 200 μaμa is passed through the leg from the upper thigh to the foot. the voltage is measured at two points along the calf separated by 13 cmcm.

when coding for surgery performed on the skull base (61580-61598) what term describes the method used to gain exposure to the lesion?

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