The Grocott’s Methenamine Silver (GMS) staining procedure is a widely used histological technique. It is used for detecting fungi. It can also identify certain bacteria and basement membrane structures.
Here is the step-by-step procedure of Gms staining.
Materials Needed
- Deparaffinized and hydrated tissue sections.
- Chromic acid solution (5%).
- Sodium bisulfite solution (1%).
- Methenamine silver solution:
- Methenamine (Hexamethylenetetramine).
- Silver nitrate.
- Borax.
- Gold chloride solution (0.2%).
- Sodium thiosulfate solution (5%).
- Light green counterstain (optional).
- Distilled water.
- Staining jars or dishes.
- Microscope slides.
Grocott’s Methenamine Silver Procedure
Step 1: Deparaffinization and Hydration
- Deparaffinize the paraffin-embedded tissue sections using xylene.
- Rehydrate through a series of graded alcohols (100%, 95%, 70%) to distilled water.
Step 2: Oxidation
- Place the slides in 5% chromic acid solution for 10 minutes.
- Chromic acid oxidizes polysaccharides in the fungal walls to aldehydes.
- Rinse slides thoroughly in running tap water for 1-2 minutes.
Step 3: Aldehyde Blocking
- Immerse the slides in 1% sodium bisulfite solution for 1-2 minutes.
- Sodium bisulfite solution removes excess chromic acid.
- Wash in running tap water for 1-2 minutes.
Step 4: Methenamine Silver Impregnation
- Prepare the methenamine silver solution freshly before use:
- Mix methenamine, silver nitrate, and borax in distilled water.
- Heat the solution to approximately 50-60°C.
- Place the slides in the heated methenamine silver solution for 10-20 minutes.
- Keep the solution at a constant temperature to ensure even staining.
Step 5: Toning
- Rinse the slides briefly in distilled water.
- Place the slides in 0.2% gold chloride solution for 1-2 minutes.
- This step enhances contrast by toning the silver deposits.
Step 6: Fixation
- Rinse the slides briefly in distilled water.
- Immerse in 5% sodium thiosulfate solution for 1-2 minutes.
- This solution removes any unreacted silver and prevents nonspecific staining.
Step 7: Counterstaining
- Counterstain the slides lightly with light green for 1-2 minutes.
- NOTE: This provides contrast to the silver-stained elements. This steps is optional.
Step 8: Dehydration and Mounting
- Rinse the slides in running tap water, then in distilled water.
- Dehydrate through graded alcohols (70%, 95%, 100%).
- Clear in xylene and mount with a coverslip using a synthetic resin.
Grocott’s Methenamine Silver stain Results
- Fungal : Black.
- Background: Green (if counterstain is used) or pale depending on the counterstain used.
- Other elements: Basement membranes may also appear black.