C-reactive protein test method procedure, High, Low

CRP test is an important biomarker of inflammatory cytokinesis such as interleukin-6. Therefore c-reactive blood test is used to assess their concentration.

It is classified as an acute-phase reactant, which means c-reactive protein concentration rises within a few hours. C-reactive protein increases in the following conditions,

  • Cell injuries
  • Infections
  • Inflammation

C-reactive protein principle

This test is based on the latex agglutination method. It is slid agglutination method for qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis of c-reactive protein in the serum.

Latex particles coated with IgG anti-human CRP are agglutinated, when mixed with test serum, agglutination came within two to three minutes.

C-reactive protein test procedure

CRP test procedure consists of the following steps

  1. Centrifuge the test sample and separate the serum from other blood contents.
  2. Place one of each serum, test serum, positive control, and negative control in a circle.
  3. Now drop one drop of CRP latex reagent in each circle.
  4. Mix with a separate mixer or sticks.
  5. Tilt the slide back and forth slowly for two to three observing agglutination.

CRP test result interpretation

  • POSITIVE RESULT: When the test sample shows agglutination after two minutes.
  • NEGATIVE RESULT: When is no agglutination on the slide. 

When Crp (C-reactive protein) test is high?

CRP is synthesized by the liver. When there will be any kind of infection or any kind of inflammation, CRP concentration will be high.

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