Tissue collection method in histology laboratory (Liver, bone, renal)

We collect and deal with different types of tissues biopsy in the histopathology laboratory. The tissue collection method in the histology laboratory has the following steps.

  1. Fixatives
  2. Container
  3. Request Form
  4. Labeling of specimen

Role of Fixative in tissue collection method

After the removal of surgical specimens, they should be placed in a container filled with fixative. For the best fixation, tissue should be immersed in a fixative ten-time volume of tissue size.

What is the quality of the Container for the tissue fixation mechanism

It can be a jar or bottle with secrew tops suitable for tissue fixation. Following are the quality of the suitable containers.

  1. It should be big for a large specimen like the liver, stomach. Specimen will squeeze in the small container. It will cause inadequate fixation as a result of the autolysis of that specimen.
  2. It should be leakage-proof.

Note: Amputated limb can be wrapped in a rubber sheet. A solid specimen like a big tumor, spleen should be bisected with a sharp knife before placing in the fixative container.

Hollow viscera like intestine part or stomach should be open at both ends or cut along their length (Stomach should be cut along greater curvature).

In the case of leakage, a specimen should be reached to the laboratory or wrapped the moist cotton wool and placed the specimen in the refrigerator overnight.

Note: Specimen should never place in the water or in normal saline. It will increase autolysis.

How to collect the rapidly frozen section histology

A rapid frozen section was performed in the most urgent case. If it is required, then histology lab staff and pathologists must be notified at least one hour before the operation. An arrangement should be made to notify the lab staff as the patient is taken into the operation theatre. 

Note: Specimen should not be put into any kind of fixative. It should be reached in the histopathology lab on an urgent basis.

Request form

Each tissue specimen has a request form. It contains the following information

  • Patient i.d, 
  • Patient clinical history,
  • Tissue nature,
  • Specimen size,
  • number of tissue biopsies, 
  • Whether the entire specimen or only part of it is being sent to the lab.

Labeling of the tissue specimen histology

It is the final step in the tissue collection method.  When the tissue is collected, it is the responsibility of the surgeon to label it correctly. It should contain,

  • Patient name
  • Ward number
  • Specimen type
  • Time and Date of operate

How to collect the Renal biopsy?

Renal biopsy should be collected in 10% formal saline.  Request form contains patient name, ward number, clinical investigation.

Note: Renal specimen for immunofluorescence should be submitted fresh in normal saline.

How to collect the liver biopsy?

Liver biopsy should be collected in 10% formal saline.  Request form contains patient name, ward number, The request form should mention LFT reports, hepatitis markers if tested.

Note: For the diagnosis of storage disease, specimens should be collected in the alcohol.

How to collect the Bone specimen?

The bone specimens should be collected in 10% formal saline.  Request form contains patient name, ward number, gender, site of biopsy, x-ray report of the radiologist.

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