What is the difference between Antibody VS antigen, antigen

Antigen vs antibody definition This question is most asked and many students confuse in understanding the main difference between antigen and antibody. Let’s start… What is an antigen Any substance which an internal part of the ( Autoimmune disease) or external substance, which stimulates the immunity of the host call antigen in the immunological term. … Read more

medical lab technician exam questions and answers pdf download

medical lab technician exam questions and answers pdf

1. Haemophilus influenza: required X&V factor growth   1. satellitism test: used for identification of HEMOPHILUS INFLUNZAE 2. Swarming motility show by  Proteus species. 3. Lowenstein & Jensen media: used for M.tuberculosis 4. Mannitol salt agar: selective media for staphylococcus 5. Antibiotic-associated diarrhea: caused by clostridium difficile 6. Honeymoon cystitis: caused by staphylococcus saprophytic 7. concentration … Read more

medical lab equipment names uses, and pictures

Here you are lab equipment names and pictures. Lab equipment is small to big and cheap to most expensive equipment. The list of laboratory types of equipment and their uses are specific. Each piece of equipment has its features. Microscope Beaker Flame Photometer Water Bath Lab Centrifuge Balance Cold Incubator Mixer Incubator Oven Autoclaves Laboratory … Read more

Compound microscope parts, function, magnification

Compound microscope parts label, function, magnification The compound microscope is an optical instrument used for viewing very small things such as bacteria or fungi, from different samples like blood or urine. It magnified the image of the object several hundred times. Here are the compound microscope parts labeled. There are three basic parts of a … Read more

Anmol Hospital phalia: Location, Phone Number

medical lab technology latest jobs 2021 madi bahouddin jobs phalia hospital

anmol hospital phalia, mandibahuddin punjab Pakistan Contact : +92 305 6669909 If you have any query Search Below Medical lab technology lastest jobs in Anmol Hospital Phalia Anmol hospital phalia is located in Mandibahouddin ,Punjab Pakistan Jobs Name: Medical Laboratory Technology Education:  Bsc(HONS) in medical laboratory technology from any HEC recognized university, in Pakistan. Eligibility: … Read more

Classification of bacteria flow chart staphylococcus, streptococcus microbiology

classification of Bacteria chart

There are many billions of microorganisms like bacteria, fungus, viruses on earth’s crust.  Some bacteria have few common characteristics but mostly they are different in some aspects (Morphology, mode of nutrition, etc).  It becomes a big problem for taxonomists to understand each bacteria. Therefore they classify into different groups and subgroups. Here is the Classification … Read more

Antigen vs Epitope, Hepten Vs antibody, Antigen VS antibody

The substance which reacts with antibodies and stimulates the immune system of our body is an antigen. There are many types of antigens. An antigen test is necessary for the detection of a particular antigen like the Penicilloyl polylysine test. (Skin test used to determine whether a patient is allergic to penicillin) Types of antigens … Read more

alternative careers for medical laboratory technologists in 2021

5 alternative careers for medical laboratory technologists Alternative careers for medical lab technologist is important to question for all lab scientists. After completion of the degree, a life dream comes closer to reality. It worth noting that your mlt/DMLT degree has also prepared you for careers beyond the laboratory. You could be in the laboratory … Read more

medical lab technician course details after Intermediate

Medical laboratory technician courses medical lab technician courses vary from college to college. Some colleges offer a six-month lab technician course. While some other colleges conduct courses for two years. During the course, they cover all the basic books of the clinical laboratory. The book includes General anatomy, general physiology, lab SOP, Hematology, laboratory practice, … Read more

which foods to avoid with high blood sugar

About 4.2 million deaths are caused by diabetes in the world. It consumes about $ 760 billion dollars in health expenses. Here is the list of important foods items that directly link to raising blood sugar levels. So diabetic patients should know such food items and avoid them in their daily life. Generally, food that contains sugar/ … Read more